

I want my blog to be cool. Well....by cool I mean nerdy cool. I mean I want all my nerd friends out there to be so impressed by the coolness of my blog that they will turn off their anime, put down their ps controllers, and read what I have to say.

But.........that won't happen.

I just want to actually have readers....that would be fun. And to get fun links in my sidebar. And once that happens maybe I will add posting access for my friends that are nerds too so that we can have our own nerd wonderland.

Really though, what this blog should be all about is....anime/rpgs/science + music(indie rock, britrock, emo, jpop, etc) = SEXY.

Yeah, but I don't know how to go about reaching my desired goal. Ok...so I looked at my friend Steph's blog and I was all like oh man, Steph's blog roX0rs....and I don't know how to use blogspot to set mine up to roX0r too......mmmmm. Again I remain inferior. And hopefully entertaining.

OK...on to nerd things.....

Current anime:
Azumanga Daioh (I just started it so I got to ep.3 now).
I saw this mid-season at anime club the one time I went to test the waters about whether or not I could immerse myself among nerds who are far and away more nerdy than me. It wasn't an altogether successful OR failed attempt. At any rate, it brought me to some curiosity in this show. It's pretty weird. But then again, so am I. Pretty much the premise is that it's all about these 5 girls and a couple teachers at a high school in Tokyo. And really....it's a show about nothing. It's like the Seinfeld of anime. The one girl is a 10 year old genius high school student, another is a high strung super competitive downright crazy girl, another is the very introverted and quiet girl that everyone is kinda afraid of and she's very athletic even though she doesn't look it, there's another girl who doesn't really do much, then there's the transfer student girl from Osaka that they all just call "Osaka" and they expect her to be all "crazy" and I guess loud and fast paced (like NY I guess), but she's really a huge space cadet. And yeah...there are all these little stories. And nothing really happens. But I kinda like it.

Current Jpop:
Beck Soundtrack (Trying to figure out if these are real bands cause they're REALLY good)
I haven't yet seen the anime Beck or read the manga, but I do have the soundtrack thanks to ultimate nerd supplier and bestest friend Brian Hagen. I guess the premise is that there are all these different bands....or something, I'll get back to you on that later. Anyway...the music is good and laughing at the english grammar is entertaining. My personal favorite song is one in the style of 60's brit pop where the chorus is...."you don't know how much I got believe in you". The song is really really catchy though....so I loves it!

Current Reading:
American Fuji (Sara Backer)
Ok...I got this book at Target for a quarter. I knew nothing about it other than what I read on the jacket, but I figured it had to be at least good enough for a quarter. And I guess it is. It's not stellar. As in....I haven't read it in over a week so it can't be that captivating. It takes place in Shizuoka Japan. There's this American that used to work for the University but is now selling fantasy funerals and this guy who comes to Japan from Seattle to investigate the death of his son who was an exchange student at the university. And the American woman helps him, and there's Yakuza involvement, and the guy will probably end up falling in love with the woman. Yeah...like I said. Not stellar.

Sensual Phrase
I've read up through book 6 in my vast amounts of time spent at Borders in the past few weeks. I've been meaning to buy the series. I will. I really really really really like it. More about rockstars in my Gravitation vein...only this time there's no yaoi and there IS some ecchi. Yeah...and it's not electronic it's Japanese glam rock. Premise...there's a hs girl who's a really talented writer and was gonna enter a lyrics writing contest and she gets hit by the car of the lead singer of this band who reads her lyrics and decides he wants her to write for them and then he falls in love with her and there's a lot of very sensual and sexual moments between them and its the exact cute romantic girly I'ma marry a rockstar dream that I've always had and I really really really really like it. (I may have mentioned that already).

Ok....that's todays edition. Sorry it was so long, but it was the first time and I had to get it all out there. I think it might be shorter from now on if I have nothing new to add about one of the categories. Maybe. I've never been good at being concise and to the point...or short winded.

Anyway...off to watch some more Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex with Steph. Thanks for reading.

*Kiss shining*


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