

Well. I've done it. And I've done it of my own accord. 'What is this blasphemy?', you ask (Ok, so you didn't, but it sounds better if you do). I've begun watching GUNDAM. Of all the dirty nerd things to do, I had to go and pick that one. I blame Anime Central. And the KMK. Ok, so the story is like this. I took a trip to a nice little anime gathering by the name of Anime Central in the great crappy city of Chicago, IL. Once there, I got really exciting for all the super amazingly awesome programming I was about to see.....AAAANNND I found out there wasn't much. At least not when we first arrived. So, the KMK really loves him his GUNDAM. So, we went to the "Tracing the ridiculous history of MSG throughout the years and a lot of stuff that people who don't care about MSG totally don't care about" panel. While I was standing in the back waiting for all the jokes I didn't get and references I didn't WANT to get to stop, the panelists began talking about Gundam Seed and Gundam Seed Destiny. And I couldn't help but notice that for 2002 the animation certainly looked pretty. It seemed also like all the Gundam kids hated those series....which meant they were probably pretty ok for someone like me. Because, I dunno, *gasp* they might actually have deeper character relationships and storyline than just, "hey, lets beat the crap out of each other with these giant robots, okay?!" "Okay!!" I mean, I don't know, maybe GUNDAM isn't really like that, maybe I just think it is. I've been incorrectly biased before (once, but that was a long time ago, and we hardly ever speak of it). Regardless, I kept seeing this mysterious Gundam Seed Destiny at the Buy that is Best, and I found myself actually wanting to buy it. ME. I wanted to BUY GUNDAM!!! What is going ON with the world. When I talked to the KMK about it, he said it was ok, but it was mostly recycled animation, so it wasn't really worth it. It was at this point that I reminded him that if you've never actually SEEN the original animation, it's not really recycled in your eyes. He admitted the truth in that, and then agreed that it might be ok for me to watch. Thanks...GUNDAM kids can be so forgiving sometimes.

Regardless...Mayama and I ran into The Voice at said Buy that is Best, one day, and I was again looking at the MSGSD DVDs lamenting that they never have vol. 1 there (knowing that I probably shouldn't buy volume 1 even if they DID have it there) and he said to me that before watching GSD, I should first watch MSGS (That's Seed before Seed Destiny for those of you keeping score at home). Which is all fine and good, except that it means I now need to acquire even MORE DVDs. Gundam Seed is 10 discs long too....so that's great. But THEN.....doing what he does best....The Voice informs me that he has all of these DVDs that I need to obtain, and that I can obtain them from him and watch them at my leisure. And so....obtain them I have. And I've now begun watching (though I'm only on episode 4...it's slow going since I'm easing myself into it and it's hard to watch more than 2 episodes at a time. That and I have to wait for Mayama and I'm gathering quotes as we go, so I don't really like to watch it while eating since it's better to have a hand free). For my initial thoughts....please visit my review at: Cranberry Jam--Anime Review (Gundam Seed)

That's all for now. Time to do a mass quantity of web updates. PS. If anyone has any suggestions for who they'd like to see as Bishounen of the Month, fire them at me. I'm starting to run out of ideas.

Ashita.....Mitsuwa maaketo natsu matsuri!!!! Should be a good time. I'ma drink ramune, break a watermelon, and wear a yukata!

Yukino to the internets!


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