
By Request

For those of you out there wondering, here's a picture of cosplay.

Really, I've got a LOT of pictures of cosplay. All of them cataloged by event or character. And I have these ever so ambitious intentions to create a photo hosting site with all of them on, but come on, we all know I don't actually do anything.

In other news.....I've been watching TeniPuri a lot. We now own the first 50 episodes, so we're what, like a tenth of the way through buying the show. I exaggerate.....I hope. In reality I have no idea how many episodes there are. With my historical disdain for tennis, one might wonder how I've managed to be so obsessive about this show, and the answer is........it's actually really entertaining. It might help that the boys are pretty. OK, it definitely helps that the boys are pretty. It also helps that the main character is sassy. I like sassy characters. It doubly helps that because I think that there are too many characters to keep track of, I've just named them by a description of what they look like/act like (with the exception of the main character and the guy with the easy name) . Which makes watching the show fun when every time someone calls one of them by name, you replace it with the describer. A la......Captain Hot Guy. This works for their special moves, which often have their names in them (Hot Guy ZOOOOOONE!) as well. Also, we've created the Seigaku regulars team on our Wii Sports and frequently pair them against each other (or as doubles partners) in knock-down, drag-out WiiTennis (Wiinis) matches. Some of them (Ryoma, Rec Specs, Squints, and Hot Guy) are getting pretty good. Rec Specs is going to go pro soon I think. Also........the nature of 9 guys all playing that closely with each other (and the oh so subtle differences in their interactions in the manga) lend themselves nicely to yaoi doujinshi......... That's all I'll say on the subject.

We're making a Prince of Tennis AMV currently, though, which will hopefully be released at the beginning of April. It involves graphic design and the skillz in Adobe Premiere that I learned from the radio station. And it's silly. Get excited.


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