
Why I'm better than pretentious nerds

BAH!!! Once again anime club has made me angry. I suppose no one should be surprised at that idea, but I'm just saying. It's about the copy of the Death Note movie (1) that I torrented. I too was surprised that I could find a copy that wasn't just a rip from the theater, since I knew that the DVD wasn't out anywhere yet, but the file was 1.08 GB in size and proclaimed itself to be HQ, so I thought I'd give it a try. And oh my gosh did it look beautiful. They weren't kidding in the least on the HQ angle....it's PRETTY. If this thing is a theater rip it's the most impressive theater rip of all times. Everyone should bow down in honor to the person that ripped it. I'm thinking it's either a TV rip or a DVD promo sneak-peek thing. It seems to have some sort of logo faintly in the upper right corner for most of the time, so that makes me think it's a promo/TV thing. The DVD comes out on White Day, so it's not completely unfeasible that someone could get their hands on a copy early and rip it and sub it. Nerd kids are tricky like that. Anyway, where I'm going with this is to the following:

Anime club. We were supposed to watch the movie this week, but thanks to my social life (that's right nerds.....I have a social life. Pay your respects to the club hot girl.) I have to leave before OVA time. Well, I'll be damned if the entire club is watching my Death Note on the projector before I get to, so I asked if we could switch the dates. To which one of the folk (we'll call her P-chan) had something to say. I'll ad-lib the conversation here:

P-chan: "The Death Note movie doesn't come out on DVD until next week anyway so you OBVIOUSLY can't have it and must have an inferior theater rip which OBVIOUSLY sucks so you should wait until it's actually out on DVD to show it to everyone because you shouldn't show them your inferior quality crap and act like you're cooler than me."

Me: "Umm...wait, when does it come out? Do you mean the SECOND movie?? I got a crappy theater rip of the second movie, but the one I have of the first one is really good quality so it doesn't seem like it's a theater rip. I don't know for sure though I guess."

P-chan: "Ummm......I LIVE in JAPAN. That obviously makes me better than you. And OBVIOUSLY means I know way more about the quality of the stuff you have than you do even though you've watched the rip you have before. It comes out in MARCH. So you OBVIOUSLY suck and I'm OBVIOUSLY AWESOME because I LIVE in JAPAN. Did I mention that I LIVE in JAPAN???? You're dumb."

That's about the gist of it. I kindly replied back once again about the quality of the video. If I didn't inexplicably like the club members too much to get kicked off the forums my next response to her would be "shove it up your ass, at least I don't look like a boy."

I need to listen to some J-Rock. Brilliant Green, I think I'm looking your way.

Yukino out