
"Holy Mother of Hotness"....

...To quote Mr. Brian Hagen when I sent in this scan to his e-mail. So....I have a scanner. And I have manga. And today I got so bored that I put the two together. And so.....because this isn't a REAL website where I can have separate pages for things so we don't just have a scans and bishonens page....I think that I will randomly insert some when I feel like it. Someday I will have my own real website (ideally if I get the job at the computer lab where I can leech off their dreamweaver until I can afford to buy my own...if I have that much ambition) and then we will have a scans page and a bishonens page. But for now....you'll just have to endure with me putting them in at random. I'd like to say weekly and on a set schedule, but I know me better than that. Anyway.......today I bring you the reigning Sohma champion of hotness (and in that family it's a hard fought honor, let me tell you).......Hatsuharu Sohma (from the inside cover of Fruits Basket volume 8)


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