Yeah, thought I would post for no good reason other than no one seems to be doing anything on the blogs. Probably because now that I have nothing to do I check them like 20 times a day. Yeah, so I should likely be out trying to find a job, but I'm not. Which is bad. I'll type up a resume tonight while dogsitting for the retail places and check the UW server one more time to find a lab job or something. Heck, I'd even work at the library or something if it came to that. Computer lab. Something. Somewhere.
Anyway...on to nerd things. I was really bored and I finished
Gravitation 2 (re-reading....again) but Bri took 3 and 4 with him so the next one I have is 5 and I kinda felt like I should read them in order or something even though it's not like I don't know what happens. I started re-reading it again mostly cause I was curious to see when
Sakuma actually enters the story as a CHARACTER and not just as being talked about. The answer is....NOT in book 2. Probably 3. Maybe 4 if they managed to stretch it that far. Don't ask the reason I was curious about that.....I get stuck on weird tangents sometimes. 2 is chock full of hilarious quotes for me though. Favorite one from today comes from conversation between the Uesugi boys:
Tatsuha: "Don't make fun of my Ryuichi! He's adorable!"
Eiri: "Yeah, adorably 30, you imbicile."
Ahh...I love those boys. I wish there was more of
Tatsuha in the story as a whole. 16 year old Buddhist monk who sleeps around and has a huge man-love for
Ryuichi Sakuma. You can't go wrong with that.
Anyway, back to the point at hand. I got bored so I thought I would put in the
Kimagure Orange Road: Summer's Beginning movie (I could only get dubbed on VHS, but I'm used to it that way so it doesn't bother me so much anymore). Reminded me of how much I really like that movie even though it's not ACTUALLY that good. So, yeah. That's what I thought I would talk about. I need to get out and start doing actual things so I stop laying around watching VHS tapes. This is my life. Bah! Well, ideally boys will call (and by boys I mean a certain one) by tomorrow and there will at least be a little hope for my near future. And hopefully I will get a job and then I will have that to keep me occupied and potentially FED for a while. Maybe. Depends on the job I suppose. Someone, somewhere in this city must need someone like me to work for them. Bah!
Well, on that note I think it's time I head off to my Saturday evening of a dog, a house, me, and the third
Harry Potter book. Cheers everyone!!!