
Genshiken 6

I just wanted to say thank you to the folks who created Genshiken episode 6. Man...there were SO many good things going on in that episode. The Saki/Kohsaka dilemma continued, Sasahara's little sister, "you can buy a computer, just don't eat for 3 months". I think that's gonna be a classic in my book for years to come. Especially since I've been watching the show this time around making sure to focus on Kohsaka and his general cluelessness.

I like things I can relate to.

I haven't been watching much anime lately. And I think I may need to shift my style......though I shouldn't feel that way. I should watch what I like and not be ashamed to stand up and speak of my love for it. But I also have to be willing to watch the other stuff if I expect people to do the same for me. But I'm getting ahead of myself again....way way way ahead.


We'll be returning to normality as soon as we figure out exactly what normal is anyway

I think I broke the blog. I'll see what I can do.

Thank you anime show...again

Ok...so the anime show started off so-so tonight. Slayers, other stuff, some more Love Hina......but then....at the end.......

Bokura no Bouken (Hikaru no Go)--Not the best song from that show, but solid
Komm, Suser Tod (End of Eva)---AGAIN!!! And I was kinda miffed actually. I was like, c'mon now people, seriously. I know it's good, but 2 days in a row????
HOWEVER! They IMMEDIATELY followed it with....
you guessed it
Your Hiroshi (Mahou Shoujo Pretty Sammy)--Dear GOD I love that song. Andrew Lloyd Webber style sound with lyrics by a woman who's guy left her for her best GUY friend. It's so damn good. Find it...listen to it...love it.

Thank you Japan-a radio once again.


Odds n ends

First of all...thank you to the folks at Japan-a radio for playing the End of Eva song in the anime show tonight. It made me happy. One of those weird happies where you're listening to a song about someone who hates their life and you're happy cause for once you AREN'T relating. Or maybe it's just cause it's such a pretty song. Anyway. I'm glad they played it. And thanks also for all the Love Hina music. It's reminding me how much I really really want to go to Suncoast and get that Love Hina Hinata girls soundtrack. Fun stuff.

Second...I've been listening to a lot of Pillows because they ROCK. And consequently I've been thinking about FLCL. But I'm not in my usual disillusioned FLCL mood, so I don't know if I should watch it for fear I will slip into that mood. Strangely enough, I've been very happy lately. Don't know why, especially with Bri-kun gone. Hanging out with Steph helps a lot...she's my anime buddy now and my workout buddy and my all around general buddy I guess. In fact...I'm in more of a mood for The Used All That I've Got if I may use a non-anime and possibly non-nerd reference for a minute. Although I feel like I shouldn't be in that mood either cause I SHOULD be lonely...but I'm not. I don't necessarily think I'm "far from lonely" though. I could go over the edge any day now I bet. Well...let's hope I ride out the high for a while at least. It IS almost time for my hooray Sari has been single for a year/take that one Steve Ludwig party on October 2. I should probably start letting people know about that. I'ma write it down right now. And register for my computer training since I just opened the calendar which is STILL not on the wall and realized that I forgot to do that. Taking a dreamweaver, an html, and a photoshop class so I can make the nerd blog look EVEN BETTER than it already does. HA!! AND...my 1 year of being single happens to fall on the weekend that Howl's Moving Castle is showing at MU. I'm SO there...even though I will have to miss anime club to go most likely......hmmmm...logistics to work out.

Speaking of anime and my one year party....I would like to extend yet another thank you to the wonderful Ms. Stephanie Wright without whom I would not have met a boy who has the potential to be the nerd boy I've been looking for. I'm hoping maybe something will work out with this one. And by maybe I mean....I hope so. He likes anime....it can't be THAT bad. So he isn't Japanese....he's cute, he's nice, he likes anime, he asked for my phone number, he likes cars. SOMETHING good should come of this. We all have to get together to watch anime sometime. That's key. I like Bito's suggestion of distracting Steph on purpose....if anyone can distract it's Bito...people expect that of her. Also...he told me he wants to come to the party...lol. That's cute and funny. Well, if we're celebrating by watching Howl's then I'm sure he'll DEFINITELY want to come. Who knows....maybe I can make it EXACTLY one year.....that would amuse me. I know Bri, I know...don't go getting ahead of myself. I'll try. Treat it like a friends situation, see where it goes from there.

Alright...that may not have been appropriate for the nerd blog, but I argue that it did deal with anime AND nerds so it's ok. I redeem myself with my music analysis below in the post script.

I can't stop loving you

P.S. Slayers--bad anime, good music. Initial D--mediocre anime, terrible music Gundam--terrible anime, good music. Just some observations from the anime show which was playing as I wrote this post.


Everyone looks better in cat ears

So....I need a little help from the general populus as to what I should cosplay as for Halloween this year. For those of you who missed last year I was Rikku from FFX. It was badass!!!

However...this year my Bri-kun has given me some idears and I have a few of my own, but they all have pros and cons and I just don't know the best way to decide other than to take a poll. And I shall start with you......I look like the picture in the post 2 below this (scroll down and you will see it), and I want to create a costume that resembles one of the people in the pics I will soon put below. Mind you...I'M not against changing the color of my hair, I do it all the time. However, I have pseudo-real jobs this year so I may have to consult about that. There are always wigs though...bless them. Though real hair looks better. Ok...enough rambling....let's get on this.......

Candidate 1: Shuichi Shindou (Gravitation). For those of you who need some background....Gravitation is the series that is discussed in at least 75% of this blog. Shuichi is the lead singer of the band Bad Luck, he's 18 and acts like an immature whiney brat, but you can't help but love him. He's in love with the writer Eiri Yuki who is super hot and sometimes very harsh with poor Shu-chan. Ok...picture time.

Candidate 2: Is STILL Shuichi Shindou, but this time a very specific Shuichi Shindou where he's cosplaying in the girls middle school uniform to get Eiri to like/accept him more. Let's see if I can find a picture of THAT. Ahh the power of the Google image search. God bless those people.

Yeah, all I found were pics of other people cosplaying as Shuichi cosplaying. But put above character (I should note that his hair was also brown, black, and blonde throughout the series, but most commonly pink) in a girls blue and white sailor suit school uniform. I think you can probably visualize this.

Candidate 3: Shun Kisaragi, Here is Greenwood. Shun is a guy at an all guys school......but he looks, acts, dresses, etc. EXACTLY like a girl because his mother owns a hotel and the rights to it are to go to the next female in the family and until they got a baby sister, Shun and his brother Reina (who also looks like a girl) were the only options. Prettiest boy in the school, complete with long light pink hair. I'd need a wig for this cause ain't no way my hair is gonna grow that quickly. Anyway...it's hilarious. Here are pics:

There were more, but Google and the blog are both acting weird about them. So......there's a GENERAL idea. I'd like to give you more, but I don't know that I can.

Candidate 4: Yukino Miyazawa (Kare Kano/His and Her Circumstances). One of my all time favorite anime heroines. Yukino is great. She's very image driven, smartest girl in school, pretty, popular, HOT boyfriend who is ALSO one of the smart, pretty, popular kids (Anyone want to be the Arima to my Miyazawa????). Oh yeah...and she's a big POSER!!!! And I love her. I am Yukino and Arima together in one embodiment. Plus her uniform rocks my socks. See it for yourself!!!

Ok...man, she's soooo kawaii!!! There are so many pics of her that I ADORE!!! Yukino....suki!!! I hope I didn't bias anyone's opinion. Cause there is the caveat that everyone will think I'm just going as.....schoolgirl. Also...I don't have an Arima. *sniff* A fact that I lament EVERY DAY OF MY LIFE. He's the one that made me want to find me a hot Japanese boy in the first place!!!

Candidate 5: Ryo Hayakawa (Princess Nine). Anime about girls playing baseball. One of the greatest things ever experienced by the great Brian Hagen and I. And Ryo rocks. So does Seira (pronounced like MY name!!!) and also I could be the ditsy right fielder girl who's name escapes me (Yoko...I looked it up). Any rate...Japanese baseball uniforms are easy enough to get ahold of....thank you Ragstock!!! Here are pics (I hope...this isn't a very well known series) of all 3 of the afforementioned.

Ryo Hayakawa Yoko Tokashiki Seira Morimura

Ok....that's that. That series ROCK btw. I'm currently borrowing the box set from Steph who is borrowing it from its original owner. Too bad I can't borrow it forever. I really want that!!!

Candidate 6: Momiji Sohma or Kisa Sohma (Fruits Basket). Now here's a series we NEVER talk about on here and we should. This is like my favoritist series of all time. No lie. SUCH good memories of this and the characters and interactions and everything. It makes me SOOO happy. I think that if it weren't for Fruits Basket I wouldn't be nearly as into anime as I am now. Seriously. It's amazing. Also....Number one selling Shoujou manga in America folks. Can't be doing TOO badly here, now can we. AND I have a wall scroll and my beautiful Sohma boys look at me every time I lay in my bed. But Momiji and Kisa are the little kid roles. Hags thought it would be fun for me to try. My hair (though it's in the Yuki cut--which can double as the Shuichi cut on a whim) is almost to Kisa length. I'll just show you pics. Kisa is sooo kawaii!!

Momiji Kisa

Candidate 7: Fuu from Samurai Champloo. This one sounds especially fun if I can find me a Jin and a Mugen....but that's not looking like good odds. If only I had some friends.......... Anyway, Fuu is fun and her costume is easy-ish. I dunno, I just think she's cute. Pics below.

Candidate 8: Ryuichi Sakuma...the man himself. Rockstar, sexy hotness, you know the drill. Pics cause we all need a little more of appreciating his hotness...

Or...I could be Noriko. She's badass too!!!

Finally Candidate 9: The Prince himself.....Yuki Sohma. I DO have his haircut. So pretty, so pretty, so pretty........

Oh..how hot is that?!?!

I could have kept going with that one all night long. *sigh* I think I may need my Haru here to effectively appreciate that though. I miss you in Korea Ha-san.

Ummm...I think that's it for now. If I think of any more ideas I will put them up here, but we've already got a lot to work with. You guys HAVE to let me know what you think I should do and who I should be. I already know who I should do *cough* Ryuichi/Eiri/Yuki *cough*

Enough now.....I should go to bed. Good thing I haven't had any homework yet....this blog is getting all my attention. Well....blog/CD making/icon making/being a NERD!!!!! This is how life should be if you ask me.

Welcome to my romance


Nerding of a different sort

So...today I was not just an anime/jpop/music nerd...I was also a computer nerd. This began with the inspiration from a sidewalk chalking for anime club that I saw on my way to class this afternoon and FULLY intended on taking a picture of upon my return tomorrow morning until it THUNDERSTORMED for the entire 75 minutes I was in class and likely washed all the chalk away. Anyway, there were a lot of these chalkings, but very few were as amusing as this one which read: "UW Anime Club: Because everyone looks better in cat ears." This, of course made me think of Saki-san and the cosplay episode of Genshiken. And then I wanted to make a buddy icon for AIM. Now, I had never made an animated buddy icon before, but I know they exist cause I have gotten them. So, I did what I always do when I'm in a conundrum......I googled it. And the first site I came up with was super easy and all I had to do was create a "picture" file in paint of the text I wanted and then upload the two pics and the text pic and it made it for me. Except that when I tried to save it to the site it kept telling me that option was down. So...I could make one, but I couldn't do anything with it. So...I went on my google way and came to a site that let me do it in java. I know very little about flash animation or html.....and I know even LESS about java. Let me put it this way.....I can probably recite every word of Titanic better than I can operate in java. But, somehow I managed to do it. It isn't perfect and the animation speed is faster than I would like it, but I'll be DAMNED if I'm doing it over. It will just have to wait until the other site is back in operation. So...following this I attempted to make a CD insert for the Anime and Jpop music CD collection I made for my hardrocking friend affectionately known as Lil Brian. He and I were talking about how in his new band he wants to play synth and make it a sorta synth punk thing, and then I got to talking about the music from Gravitation and then he said he wanted me to make him a CD of Japanese punk. Now.....Japan doesn't really have "punk" in the sense that we here in America have punk, but I searched my music collection and found the best I could find for him. I hope he doesn't hate it...I like it better when people like my music. Anyway....I worked really hard on it so at least I hope he appreciates it. So....today I tried to make an insert for the jewel case and if I had the evil Microsoft Word I could have done it in a much more efficient manner because I'm so used to doing things like that from working at the vet school, but I don't. I have open office. Which is a nice program and not nearly as evil as Microsoft, but damn hard to figure out when you need to put in pictures and text and invert stuff and the like. But.....I got it worked out now. Man...I can't wait to take those free computer classes through the University so I can know cool things about computers and websites and graphics and things. It will make things better.

Anyway.....for those of you who are curious...here's the tracklisting of that CD. I would put in lyrics links....but I just spent half my night doing that for the insert and I just don't think I care anymore.

Shining Collection—Nittle Grasper (Gravitation)
My Pace-Daiou—Manzo (Genshiken)
Like A Foojin—Typhoon 24 (Beck)
Sweet Sweet Samba—Bad Luck (Gravitation)
Advice—The Pillows (Fooly Cooly)
Ponpon—Ai Otsuka
The Rage Beat—Bad Luck (Gravitation)
Coyote Colored Darkness—Glay
Spice of Life—Typhoon 24 (Beck)
Rocket—The Babystars
Yuu Utsuna Seven Days—Bad Luck (Gravitation)
Sakuranbo—Ai Otsuka
Little Busters—The Pillows (Fooly Cooly)
Blind Game Again—Bad Luck (Gravitation)
Get Over—Dream (Hikaru No Go)
Rosier—Luna Sea
Spicy Marmalade—Bad Luck (Gravitation)
Ride on Shooting Star—The Pillows (Fooly Cooly)
Sleepless Beauty—Bad Luck & Nittle Grasper (Gravitation)
White Ash—The Pillows (Fooly Cooly)
All I Want—Glay

Ok...comments on what you think of the tracklisting are appreciated. I think it's a damn good CD and as soon as I get my mp3 player that will be the first thing on there. And I will go running....and there will be synth rock and jrock abounding. But if you know anything about those songs....from a punk rock (not that e-word I hesitate to use about my musical tastes) standpoint, please please tell me.

Touch my naked heart


anime club

So...just got back from 5 straight hours of celebrating the otaku in me with a room full of approximately 80 other otaku, most of whom are far more hardcore than I. I did however, play my Kasukabe Saki-san role to its fullest.....with, of course, my own added flair. What I mean by that, is that I went to anime club dressed like THIS:

Yep...that's right. I went there. As if I wouldn't have ALREADY been the hottest girl in the room sans Asian girls....I did it. It was SO funny too. I walked in and everyone looked at me like I probably had the wrong group meeting. 2 people (who I ended up talking with ALL night and were really nice and knew WAY less about anime than me so I was sounding like a vast source of knowledge) even went so far as to ask me...."so, you like anime??" Haha it was sugoi!!! I also got to impart knowledge on someone who I KNOW has a great knowledge of things already. Man....I'm such an amazing nerd sometimes I even impress myself. So...Jason, who had been helping me with things such as FFIV came to say hi and he was talking about how awesome Mai HiME (that's the best review EVER btw....read the 4th review paragraph to the end...totally how I feel) is, and I was like..."yeah, it's ok. There are better things." Then I say, "so, do you know Chrno Crusade? Well, the same voice actor, Chiba Saeko, does the voice for Azmaria in Chrno that does the voice for Natsuki in Mai HiME." And he's like..."really??? Wow....yeah. Well, I guess MAYBE I could see that." (Natsuki and Azmaria are TOTALLY different ends of the spectrum). Then I'm like..."yeah, she sings the end theme to Chrno which makes the karaoke part in Mai HiME really really funny all of a sudden. AND....she's Tsubaki in Kare Kano."(How kawaii is the pic in that link btw???) And he is impressed. (Also...I just learned that she's got a character in Kujian too....though I haven't seen Kujian beyond Genshiken) And my vast wealth of knowledge that all started with my love for the Chrno end theme and knowledge of the "system" that is animeNfo was hailed by all. HA!!! Take that anime club. I'm hotter than you AND I know my shit!!!!!

So...we voted and the winners were the exact 3 I wanted, though we did have to re-vote a few times between Genshiken and Stellvia. But the order is Champloo, Scraprin, and Genshiken. So then I got to watch Genshiken 2 AGAIN and AGAIN be reminded of the beginning of the relationship that is Sari and Brian Hagen. It's truly amusing. 2 and 6 REALLY remind me of us. So.....bottom line is that anime club was fun and I think I will continue to go. Especially once we get past episode 8 of Scraprin cause then its all new and I have to see it.

So....yay. Soon will come voting on Sari's cosplaying for Halloween. Look forward to it.

With sex appeal it's the best!!


Anime club and miscellaneous things

First things....Steph and I had an AWESOME workout today. It was cool. I hope we keep it up. Nerds exercising!!!!!!

Second things....here's the official finalists for anime club on Saturday. We have to vote for 3. I can pretty much already tell you what my votes are unless something DRASTICALLY strikes me while I'm watching the first 2 episodes of the rest of these. Probability of that happening is LOW..... Ok: Samurai Champloo, Mai Hime, Louie the Rune Soldier, Scrapped Princess, Genshiken, Slayers, Uchuu no Stellvia.

We'll see......

Third thing, WHAT CHARACTER SHOULD I BE FOR HALLOWEEN?!?!?!?! I have some ideas, but I just don't know. Or maybe I could be someone totally different than the characters I love. Plus all the ones I can think of are "guys"....sorta. Anyway......I will give you a quarter for every useable suggestion. I'm not freaking kidding!!

Fourth thing, hopefully the last. I need to make T-shirts. And I need help. Gravitation doesn't have suitable merchandise for those of us who want to support the BANDS and not just the show. So I shall make us some. However, I have a limited knowledge of how to make a T-shirt and where to find the materials....such as iron on glittery letters that can mayhaps say..."I *heart* Nittle Grasper" or things like that. If someone could impart that vast knowledge on me I would be ever so much appreciated. Cause I want my shirt.....complete with this picture.....

Or possibly the one I have for my icon......which is, of course shown above. I want one of a picture of Ryuichi talking to Kumagoro (DRATS!!! I gave away the theme!) or just looking happy while holding him, but I can't find one. So....if anyone has any good ones, send them my way.

Alright...that's really really it for now. I'll likely be back soonish. Tomorrow is hanging out with Steph, Lelah, Dennis, and likely Bito and watching both Ghost in the Shell movies. So....I will probably be in a kick ass awesome mood when I get home. Then club on Saturday...so I'll more than likely need to talk about stuff then.


Can't get enough


It Must Be the Girl in Me

So...sometimes I do act like a real girl. There was a time not so long ago that I would have punched anyone who even suggested such a thing as hard as I could in whatever I knew would hurt the most, but now I can admit it. I can be girly. But you have to be....cause that's part of the sexy charm of my nerd ways. Ok...so it probably is really really hot that I play baseball and I like fighting games and I want to learn aikido and kendo. (Aikido class Thursday 7:30-8:30 btw!!) However, no guy, no matter HOW big of a nerd, wants a girl that acts like a guy. Especially if he is one of the lesser athletically or fighting or manly inclined sort of nerd guys. Cause then I'm more of a guy than him.....and that's just not healthy for anyone. Girls need to be girls....it's the nature of the universe I suppose.

Any rate, what I WANTED to talk about is If I See You in My Dreams TV. Ok....I'm a girl. Because I LIKE this series. And it really is as bad as the THEM review in the link says. Interestingly enough though...I didn't make the EVER SO OBVIOUS connection between Masuo and Keitaro until I read it in the review. Yep....I'm a dumbass. But I liked Love Hina too...I really really liked Love Hina. And so did Hagen...so there, it isn't just me. I think that it's because I see a lot of the bumbling awkward qualities that even a non-socially awkward, relatively good looking, and fairly self-confident nerd girl like me has when it comes to talking to the person I have a crush on. As in...I FREAK OUT. It's totally like that. I do, however, agree that 7 minute episodes was a TERRIBLE way to go about this series because it really is the same plot line over and over and over every 7 minutes. However...I did watch 6 episodes consecutively. I think though, that this series and the 7 minute repeat cycle was made better for me by the fact that I first saw the OVA (which is good cause that comes first and you might be totally lost if you hadn't). I REALLY like the OVA. The first time I saw it (I RENTED it even), it really made me relate to it. And that's the kind of anime I like. Same as my music (which the elitist bastards of the music scene also look down on me for because they and their crappy stereotypes don't have anything better to do with their time while they're too busy being elitists to have any friends to hang out with). I like things a lot better when I can relate to the feeling or identify with one of the characters. That's who I am. It doesn't make me any better or worse than anyone else. The OVA (and the series) are fairly old, so they do have all the qualities of a 90's love story, but I don't think it's terrible. Especially if you are a girl. Or an extremely socially awkward male. But if you have a complex (or a fear that you will be less of a man or lose your pretentious authoritative position in the anime world and be snubbed by all your nerd friends who feel that they are now better than you because they only watch mecha, magical girl, sci-fi, and martial arts anime and thus are 'purists') then you will hate this on principal. I say...in the anime world, keep an open mind. No one is better than ANYONE in this game.....being an elitist snob about it isn't going to get you anywhere. You're still looked down upon by 95% of the population.....and the best of the elitist nerd group is probably the kid that got beat up the most in school. So......I haven't watched anime since I was 2, I haven't seen all the afforementioned 'purist' series and I definitely haven't liked all the ones I have watched, I LIKE SHOUJOU ANIME. I watch what I like....this doesn't make you better than me. And in the end.....at least I can get a date.

Ok....I needed to get that off my chest. And I needed to do it here in a safe harbor rather than in an entire room full of people, many of whom are very similar to the ones I was just ranting about. In other words.....I needed to say it here in my own personal space where I have the right to say whatever the hell is on my mind rather than having it come out loudly and angrily in a semi-hostile environment where it would ruin the happiness of a night of watching anime. I'm ok now. For now.....we'll see if that continues to the end of the week.

Bottom line....watch it if you want. Everything on this site is entirely my opinion. I accept that in many cases you will not feel the same way. Not everyone likes the same things. And that's ok. No one is better than anyone else because they like something different. And if you can't get past that.....well....here at Spicy Marmalade we preach tolerance.

"Tolerating someone doesn't mean you have to like them. It just means you have to put up with it." --South Park, Tolerance Camp

Vanish into the night

PS.....I'm going to be fixing links in previous posts in case you care.


Let the People Speak

Dear Lord....I should be sleeping now. I have a LONG day tomorrow and I have to be AT work which is all the way across town (well, when you don't have a car. It would take me probably an hour to walk there....thank God for Metro Transit) at 8AM. It continues from there. I'ma be dead tired come tomorrow night.

However, tonight....I am not. And I want to include the readers in the vote for what the UW Anime Club should show. Whether or not you're coming to club...I just want to know what you people think we people should be watching. The entire list is quite extensive, so I will start with just the series that are in the lead. I had intentions of hyperlinking the anime reviews for all of them, but I was serious when I said I should be in bed. Mayhaps it will happen at a later date. Any rate, we each vote for 4 on the list, top 7 get shown at the first meeting on Saturday, then we vote for 3 that we want to watch the rest of this semester. I'll give you the rundown....voting goes til Thursday though and based on how much things have changed just TODAY I'm sure the final will be different. But let me know what you think.


Uchuu no Stellvia
Mai Hime
Louie the Rune Soldier
Scrapped Princess
Samurai Champloo
Peacemaker Kurogane
Record of Lodoss War
Super Dimensional Fortress Macross
DN Angel
Fantastic Children
Kannazuki no Miko
Magic Knight Rayearth
School Rumble
Princess Nine
Paranoia Agent
Crest & Banner of the Stars
Bottle Fairy

Those are the ones that have gotten at least one vote so far. There are a lot more on the list, but I don't feel like linking them and I bet you don't care about reading them. By now you have discovered the fine folks at THEM Anime Reviews.....go see them if that's not enough series for you.

Anyway......let me know what YOU, the reader, would want to see.


This is what happens when nerds get bored

Well...nerds with no talent for creating things and no car or cash to go buy anime or video games.

This is a pretty good quiz though. I enjoyed it. Also...I think sometimes I don't appreciate Hiro as much. Hiro rocks. And we have the same color hair now!!

You're fiercely loyal to the people that matter the most to you - no matter how unusual they turn out to be. You're gifted, smart and can play one mean instrument, but you're fairly good at pranks if you have the mind to. You have principles to uphold, and you stick by them when the going gets tough. You're the ideal concept of a best friend - and most times you don't even know it.
Which Gravitation Character Are You?
Also...another. For fun.
There may be more. Sometimes I get on a roll and I REALLY have nothing to do today.
To Be Edited

Gold! You have golden eyes. You tend to be quite
distant, and may come off as depressed. In
truth, you are, but once people get to know
you, a smile or a laugh breaks through your
emotion barrier every now and then!

What Color Are Your Anime Eyes?
brought to you by


You never forget your first

Ahhh Spike Spiegel. I love you. I will always love you. You will always have a place in my heart. You brought me into a whole new world, and even though our relationship has faded and I don't see you very often anymore, you'll always be my first love and I will never, ever forget you.

Ok...that said, most of you may be wondering what the hell I'm talking about. Or, maybe you aren't. I would like to say though, that this goes beyond my crushes on animated drawings to something much deeper. Call me a poser if you will...although I'd like to argue that I'm NOT since I've moved so deeply into the world of anime, but here's my story. I hated anime. I didn't understand it, I didn't want to understand it, I thought cartoons were for kids and I didn't even really watch too many of them then. I meet my Brian who loves him his anime. I make fun of it. One night we're in Brian's room and he turns on Adult Swim at 11PM on a Wednesday.....and there's anime. And I protest, and I don't want to watch it. But.....IT'S SO PRETTY!!!! And that guy is pretty cool. And it's the best scene in the best episode of the entire show. And by the end credits...I'm in love. And every Wednesday we get together and watch Cowboy Bebop. And then I start watching other cartoons too. There's still some anime I don't understand, but I love that show.

Fast forward a few years....I meet a guy. His room is all decorated with characters from anime and video games. I say...my friend Brian is really into all this stuff. I really like Cowboy Bebop. (I sound like a poser kid..."I like anime, I saw Cowboy Bebop on Adult Swim. Tee hee.") He gets excited to hear that and we watch anime and play games together. Then we break up, but I've been given a little more appreciation for this world and I miss hanging out and watching anime and playing games. So I turn to Brian. And he educates me further. And now....now it is my world. And so.....I owe it all to Cowboy Bebop and Spike Spiegel.

Problems...I can't watch Bebop in Japanese cause I get mad cause it's not Spike. Also, I can't watch Wolf's Rain or Samurai Champloo IN English because I get mad cause the other characters are trying to be Spike. Eh....I live.

I say this because Adult Swim showed the Bebop movie last night...in English. I haven't seen Spike in a long time since I only have the series subbed. I missed him. He's back, and I love him dearly.



Mmmm...thought I would give us a new look. Also, I've been Gravi-obsessing for the last couple days. It makes me feel better. I like it that when bad things happen to me, I quote Gravitation. As follows:

"Reality is just a nice way of saying 'tragedy'. The truth is, people are vain and mean! You've bought a sucker's dream, a corny Hollywood con job! There is no love! It's just a dream! No matter how much you THINK you're in love and that you'll be together forever and you feel like you'd die for that person, the truth is everyone ends up alone!! There's no such thing as a happy ending!! Life sucks and then you die!! Give all your love. Every ounce! Give every breath! You can love him so much that you think of nothing else...but it will all be for ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!! It all falls apart and you end up dying by yourself for no one at all! Fuck happy endings!"

Ahhh....the scene from the manga that officially broke me. Man Shindou-san....I TOTALLY know where you're coming from on that one. Any rate. I've been reading fanfic....

Ok...recovered from Brian's bitchslap now. I found a site...it's linked. Its really good. Even got me thinking that I should try my hand at it considering all the obsessing and wishing I could be a part of that world that goes through my fucked up head on a regular basis anyway. So...that's today.

We should talk about.........hmm. Steph and I watched Genshiken yesterday. Started it. I've seen it before, but it's so delightful to have an anime for nerds, about nerds. It's like watching my friends in action. I am Saki-chan. So is Steph. Brian is Sasahara and Kohsaka conglomerated into one gigantic ball of otaku. It's a delightful world. I recommend that those of you who don't know about Genshiken, learn about Genshiken.

Currently...in love with Eiri Yuki AND Ryuichi Sakuma. All at the same time. I'd take them both. Heck, I'd take them both TOGETHER!!!! Mmmmmmmm
I should stop now.

Kiss shining Sparklies!

I need to borrow the blog

It's a long story, but I have to post a pic on here so I can get it re-sized and blah blah blah. Ok...but the picture is HOT so it should be fine. So...there.